Professional Art

breast cancer action

Chelsey Gomez was the featured artist for the organization "Breast Cancer Action" and their annual art auction. This was one of two designs which were auctioned off to raise money for BCA.

Leukemia and lymphoma society

This image was created for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's national social media channels.

united ostomy associations of america

This logo was created for UOAA. This was the featured design for their annual 5k race t-shirts.

united ostomy associations of america

This was a second logo created for UOAA for their general promotional materials. 

gryt health 

This sticker was designed for GRYT Health's Global Virtual Cancer Conference 2022.

Snarky nurses

Ohyouresotough has a line of badge reels with Snarky Nurses, this is one design example.

logo design

This is a logo design for a research study commissioned by a large university hospital.

bright spot network

This is a logo design for the nonprofit organization Bright Spot Network.


This Is a commissioned coloring book page for the organization Concierge4Hope.

Cancer recovery through rowing

This is a commissioned greeting card design for the CReW organization. 

end of treatment poster

This is an example of a commissioned end of treatment poster. 

curetoday magazine

Chelsey Gomez is a featured blog writer for CureToday Magazine - each article features a piece of her art. This is one example that was published In their print magazine.

Bright spot network

An example of the more than 10 coloring pages I designed for Bright Spot Network. These are offered as free downloads on their website.

Sticker designed for the nonprofit "WeGotThis.Org" as a social media promotion

A cure in sight

Social media graphic commission to help illustrate the challenges of living with Ocular Melanoma.

Side one of the marketing collateral card I designed for the nonprofit "WeGotThis.Org".

Side two of the marketing collateral card I designed for the nonprofit "WeGotThis.Org".

Half page ad design for the nonprofit "WeGotThis.Org" for Elephants & Tea Magazine.

Gilda's Club

Half page ad designed for Gilda's Club to promote Tough Friends Art Club in Elephants & Tea Magazine.

Chat-S Research study

A comprehensive redesign was undertaken for a research study in collaboration with Huntsman Cancer Institute/ University of Utah, involving the revamping of four booklets. The provided image is just a glimpse of a section within one of these booklets.

research study flyer redesign

Original recruitment flyer (left). My redesign (right).

Research study graphic

A social media graphic I created for a research study on medication adherence.


This is a set of postcards made for the non-profit "B Present" as a part of their Rally Boxes sent to patients and supporters.


This is a set of postcards made for the non-profit "B Present" as a part of their Rally Boxes sent to patients and supporters.


This is a set of postcards made for the non-profit "B Present" as a part of their Rally Boxes sent to patients and supporters.

Not dead yet fest poster

The main poster design for "Not Dead Yet Fest" 2024

social media graphic for not dead yet fest

Social media version of the poster for "Not Dead Yet Fest 2024"

awareness graphic

This piece was commissioned via Delta Dental and Gilda's Club to educate on oral health and cancer.

social media graphic

Promotional graphic for "Not Dead Yet Fest 2024" shared on GloZell's Instagram. 

social media graphic

Promotional graphic for "Not Dead Yet Fest 2024" shared on Lindsey Stirling's Instagram stories

social media graphic

Social media graphic for a giveaway with Swoveralls.

social media graphic

Promotional graphic for "Not Dead Yet Fest 2024" shared on Grace Helbig's Instagram.

Social Media Graphic

Promotional graphic for "Not Dead Yet Fest 2024" shared on The Trills' Instagram.

bright spot network

This treasure map was created for Bright Spot Network's 2024 "Bright Club" for children of parents facing cancer.

elephants & Tea magazine

This piece was published in Elephants & Tea Magazine for their "Dear Cancer" Issue 2024.

promotional materials

This is collateral made for the non-profit "B Present" as a part of their Rally Boxes sent to patients and supporters.

promotional materials

This is collateral made for the non-profit "B Present" as a part of their Rally Boxes sent to patients and supporters.

A cure in sight

Social media graphic commission to help illustrate the challenges of living with Ocular Melanoma. 

A cure in sight

Social media graphic commission to help illustrate the challenges of living with Ocular Melanoma. 

Screen print shirt designs

These were 4 styles of shirt I designed for "Not Dead Yet Fest" 2024.

Billboard signage hard rock hollywood, ca

Not Dead Yet Fest billboard signage displayed on Hollywood Blvd 

Hand painted guitar

Hand painted guitar donated by Guitar Center Foundation, was auctioned off for Not Dead Yet Fest.

Promotional materials

Not Dead Yet Fest banner for website & emails. Social media graphic for NDYF talent.

sponsorship deck graphics

Sponsorship graphics for pitch deck for Not Dead Yet Fest.

Social media graphic

Bombas socks giveaway for Not Dead Yet Fest

Social media graphic

Landon Barker ticket giveaway for Not Dead Yet Fest

social media graphic

Guitar Center giveaway for Not Dead Yet Fest.

Social media graphic

Promotional graphic for talent Lily Williams for Not Dead Yet Fest.

Social media graphic

Promotional graphic for talent Gnash for Not Dead Yet Fest.

Trophy Smack Belt

Custom belt design collaboration with Trophy Smack for Not Dead Yet Fest. Pictured: Lindsey Stirling and Sean Wachter

Custom Headbands

3D Printed custom designed headbands in 2 exclusive colors for Not Dead Yet Fest. Pictured: Elissa Kalver, Grace Helbig, and GloZell Green